
What Is It?

An Encyclopedia is an abstract container intended for smallish data sets which provides many of the benefits of a relational (and non-relational) database, but with lower syntactic friction. In particular, an Encyclopedia uses arithmetic expressions typical of core storage mechanisms (e.g. lists, dictionaries) to perform common dataset operations such as merging and subsetting. Encyclopedia supports functional composition, enabling modifications to entire Encyclopedias in a single statement, similar to data frame vectorization.

But What Is It Really …

An Encyclopedia is a mapping class supporting the following additional features:

set operations
Encyclopedias may be created and combined using standard arithmetic operators
functional composition
Encyclopedia contents may be modified in their entirety by functions, as well as other Encyclopedias

and the following optional features:

multi-valued assignments
keys may be assigned single values or tagged with multiple values
Encyclopedias may swap their key-value pairs

Say that Differently

In math-speak, a collection of Encyclopedias is a similar to a mathematical ring of relations where:

  • keys serve as the domain
  • values serve as the range
  • ring addition is performed by set union on these relations
  • additive inverse is performed by set difference on these relations
  • multiplication is performed by functional composition

So to say this yet another way, an Encyclopedia is a collection of key-value pairs which may be combined with other Encyclopedias using set operations and functional operators.

Ok, But What is it Good For?

Data analysts have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to manipulating their data. We have multiple computational elements sitting on our laptop and have immediate access to nearly unlimited computational elements in The Cloud. We have various topologies to help access and store our data including: tabular (e.g. HDF5), relational (e.g. SQL) and non-relational (e.g. NoSQL). We have data-analyst-friendly languages (e.g. python, R) with increasingly sophisticated libraries (e.g. SciPy, tidyverse) to make it all fit together.

On the more modest end of the data deluge resides the localized data: the tabular CSV reports, the hierarchical XML data elements and the binary, human-friendly tag clouds. The Encyclopedia syntax is intended to be used in this realm, providing a common syntax for the “smaller” data elements, providing a bridge between the scripting container elements (e.g. lists, dictionaries) and the larger data ocean.

As an abstract class, Encyclopedia has limited value on its own. Two concrete Encyclopedias however, are Relations and Forests, which were the motivators for the creation of the Encyclopedia abstraction.


A Relation is an Indexed Encyclopedia which may be thought of as a multi-valued extension of a python dictionary or function.

Function vs. Relation

Function vs. Relation

In addition to the many-to-one behavior of a Dictionary, a Relation supports all four cardinalities:

M:1 (many-to-one)
a function or dictionary
1:1 (one-to-one)
an isomorphism or unique alias
1:M (one-to-many)
a partition
M:M (many-to-many)
a general relation

A Relation instance is restricted to one of the cardinalities upon object instantiation. Relations are invertible [1], providing direct mappings from values back to keys. The following operators are supported:

Notation Meaning
R[x] = y either overwrite or append to x values depending on cardinality of the Relation (Note: M:1 and 1:1 overwrite, the other two append)
del R[x] remove x from domain of E and all associated values for x
R1 + R2 similar to {**R1, **R2} for python dictionaries, but with associated cardinality constraints
R1 - R2 remove any R2.keys that lie within R1.keys and the associated values
f * R apply f to each element of R
R1 * R2 apply R1 to each element of R2
~R reverse domain and range of R

Using notation similar to a python dictionary comprehension (but to be clear not actually valid python), a functional composition might be expressed as:

{R[f(x)]:f(R[x]) for x in R}

A relational composition as:

{R1[x]:R1[R2[x]) for x in R2}

And an inversion as:

{R[x]:x for x in R}

As an example of the use of a relation, suppose we need to map qualitative weather conditions to dates:

weather = Relation()

Note that in the last statement the assignment operator performs an append not an overwrite. So:


produces a set of values:


Relation also provides an inverse:


also producing a set of values:


See the paper from SciPy 2015 for further exposition on Relation.


Forests are Unindexed Encyclopedias formed from collections of trees.

Syntactically a tree, in our parlance, will grow “upwards”; thus the greater heights of a tree will be closer to the “leaves”. Each node in a tree connects upwards to a collection of distinct nodes; conversely each node has at most a single, directly-connecting lower node. Forests may be combined with other Forests using set operations (horizontal combination), and be grown on top of other Forests using composition (vertical combination).

Sub-branches of Forests are obtained through the bracket “get” notation:


Note that the keys used in this bracket notation are different than nodes. In particular, nodes within a Forest are unique; however, keys may reference multiple nodes. Therefore, there is a many-to-one relationship between keys and nodes; thus, the “get” returns all sub-branches in F with a root node keyed by x.

To construct new branches, Forests use the “set” bracket notation. The bracket notation of Forests allows for several nodes to be referenced by a single key, specifically:

F[x] = y

means: create a new node, keyed by y, for every node that is keyed by x.

Forests form the topological foundation of many common hierarchical document formats e.g. XML, JSON, YAML etc… Non-unique keys enable us to include repeated substructures. For instance, the get notation in another context, namely when y is another forest:

F1[x] = F2

grafts the F2 Forest to all occurrences of x within F1. An example of a related operation is a YAML alias. This grafting can also be performed using composition notation:

F1 * F2

which means: create a new Forest such when F1 and F2 share a key x, the branches of F2[x] are grafted onto F1 at x. An example of a related operation is when a library of sub-documents are instanced onto a document when ready for final document production. The operations for a Forest are as follows:

Notation Meaning
F[x] = y connect new nodes keyed by y to nodes keyed by x
F[x] a Forest consisting all nodes reachable from x
F[x] = F2 graft F2 to F1 at x
del F[x] prune branches for all nodes keyed by x
F.keys() return all node keys within Forest
F.values() all nodes within Forest
F.canopy() union of all leaf nodes in Forest
F.root(x) return node(s) of Tree root containing x
F1 + F2 combine two Forests such that common Trees within both Forests will only appear once (union)
F1 - F2 remove Trees contained in F2 from F1 (difference)
F1 * F2 for each x key common to F1 and F2: graft F2 onto F1 at x.
f * F apply f to each node of F

An extension of a Forest is an Arboretum: a Forest with inheritable node attributes. Attributes are assigned using the second position in the bracket assignment, namely:

F[x, attribute] = value

This assigns the key-value pair (attribute, value) directly to x as well as implicitly to the nodes above x. Retrieving attributes is dynamic:

F[x, attribute]

meaning, the tree is searched for an attribute starting at the node and descending down the tree until a parent is found with the assignment. As a motivating example, suppose we had a hierarchical document:

F['Document'] = 'Section 1'
F['Section 1'] = 'Section 1.1'

Assigning the font

F['Section 1', 'font'] = 'Helvetica'

will affect Section 1 and Section 1.1 but will not affect the overall document. A new section created at the Document level

F['Document'] = 'Section 2'

will be unaffected by the font assignment but further subsections below Section 1.1

F['Section 1.1'] = 'Section 1.1.1'

will have their default font set.


Another example of an Encyclopedia is simply a python dictionary which has been Encyclopedia-ified. This new dictionary will behave much like its derived dict but will also support arithmetic set operations and composition. As an example of the composition feature, if:

fruit = Dictionary({'apple':'red', 'blueberry':'blue'})
colors = Dictionary({'red':'FF0000', 'blue':'0000FF', 'green':'00FF00'})


fruit * colors == Dictionary({'apple': 'FF0000', 'blueberry': '0000FF'})


Building on the Dictionary, a Record is factory for Dictionaries providing other features including:

  • restricted keys
  • automatic type conversions
  • optional defaults

As an example, we can define a factory for recording personal characteristics:

from encyclopedia import Record
characteristics = Record({

To create the individual Dictionaries we use the Record.instance function:

Dog = characteristics.instance # make it more class-like
fido = Dog()
assert fido['age']==2

Note that the age was converted to an integer by the function int. We can put in any functions we like into the Record defintion and even auto-populate:

def no_name(x=None):
    return 'UNKNOWN' if x is None else str(x)

Named = Record({

someone = Named()
assert someone['name']=='UNKNOWN'

Note also that Record will complain (with a friendly Exception) is one were to attempt to set keys other than provided in the factory:

someone['address'] # not valid

Encyclopedia Operations

It may be illustrative (at least for those of us who like looking at summary tables) to now show an overview of operations for an Encyclopedia:

Operation Description
E[x] = y tag x with y
del E[x] remove x from domain of E … also known as burglary. Yep, that was your obligatory Monty Python reference
E1 + E2 an encyclopedia created by combining elements of E2 and E1 (union)
E1 += E2 add copy of E2 to E1
E1 - E2 an encyclopedia created by removing keys of E2 from E1 (difference)
E1 & E2 an encyclopedia with keys common to both E1 and E2 (intersection)
f * E apply f [2] to all elements of E returning another encyclopedia. (functional composition)
E1 * E2 apply E1 [3] to elements of E2 producing another encyclopedia (entity composition)

Certain implementations of Encyclopedia may be multi-valued, meaning that, assignment:

E[x] = y

may not overwrite the key’s value, but instead append to the key value or tag the key. Similarly, retrieval:


may produce a set (or list) of values corresponding to the key.

For the math-letes, note that encyclopedia addition is inherently commutative:

E1+E2 == E2+E1

and associative:

E1+(E2+E3) == (E1+E2)+E3

due to the nature of element-wise set operations. Composition, however, is not necessarily commutative:

E1*E2 ?= E2*E1

but it is distributive [4]:

E1*(E1+E3) == E1*(E2+E2)

as functions act element-wise on the keys.

Signed Encyclopedia

An Encyclopedia is not a proper ring without the existence of a negative signed Encyclopedia:


Note that we specifically refer to the unary operation and not the binary set difference. Note too that this is a little conceptually unusual, as a negative encyclopedia behaves a bit like antimatter, able to negate a collection of key-values, but not necessarily to serve as a meaningful mapping in our eminently practical universe. If the unary negative sign is supported by a derived Encyclopedia, the class will be known as a Signed Encyclopedia, and the following features will also be supported:

Identity Field
Null[x] existence of Null operator producing None or Error depending on implementation
abs(E) invert “sign” of Encyclopedia
E + abs(E) retain only positive (“real”) components of the Encyclopedia
abs(E1-E2) + abs(E2-E1) symmetric difference
(Null + E)[x] == E[x] additive identity
(E - E)[x] == Null[x] additive inverse

One important distinction between a Signed Encyclopedia and an Unsigned Encyclopedia is the implementation of the intersection. For an Unsigned Encyclopedia, we may simply remove the elements of E1 which are not in E2:

E1&E2 == E1-(E1-E2)

For a Signed Encyclopedia however, this won’t work as -E1 is another Encyclopedia:

E1-(E1-E2) == E1-E1+E2 == E2

Instead we must use the Signed Encyclopedia’s abs operator to remove the negative elements first:

E1&E2 == E1-abs(E1-E2)

Indexed Encyclopedia

When a multiplicative inverse:


is available, the Encyclopedia is a field where:

~E*E == ~E*E == Identity

that is,


Finally, an Indexed Encyclopedia supports inversion, including the following operators and identities:

Notation Meaning
Unity[x] == x existence of unity
~E swap domain and range of E (multiplicative inverse)
(E*~E)[x] == (~E*E)[x] == x Encyclopedia composed with its inverse produces Unity
(Unity * E)[x] == E[x] Unity composed with an Encyclopedia produces that Encyclopedia

Past, Present and Future


As with many abstract types, the concept of Encyclopedia did not emerge from the void ready to be forward instantiated, but rather resulted from the backwards abstraction of specific, concrete implementations (not surprisingly to anyone following along at this point): Relations and Forests. These classes, in turn, were created to scratch particular itches:

  • Relation: generalize the notion of a python dictionary to allow for many-to-many relations and provide other conveniences such as invertibility
  • Forest: provide a tree syntax using standard mathematical notation which can then be used to construct various hierarchical data structures

Syntax may not be everything, but it helps. A lot. As many data analysts have found, being able to express something conveniently may determine whether the analysis gets done at all. Indeed, much of the power of scripting languages, including python, is the ability to express more complex structures, since the foundational structures (e.g. lists, sets, dictionaries) are so easy to describe.

Addressing Forests specifically, there are a number of different hierarchical structures (e.g. YAML, XML, JSON) which are each essentially trees, topologically, but are supported by different packages and syntaxes. Moreover, with regard to content generation, they sometimes lack the syntax for easily building more complex trees from simpler ones, such as, mentioned above, combining two trees either as a simple union or recursively, with one tree nested inside the other.


The Encyclopedia specification, and implementations for:

  • Relation
  • Forest
  • Arboretum
  • Dictionary
  • Record

as well as an:

  • Encyclopedic wrapper for XML

Can be obtained at

Note that Encyclopedia has no dependencies outside of the standard python distribution.


In the near-future, wrappers will be included for YAML and JSON. Additionally, support for other graph types will be added.

[1]all relations are “invertible” in the sense that domain/range may be swapped; however, relations composed with their inverse will only create Unity properly when the cardinality is 1:M or 1:1
[2]when f is a scalar, assume function is multiplicative
[3]what encyclopedia composition actually means will depend on the specific encyclopedia implementation, but the intention of composition is to act element-wise, that is independently of other elements in the encyclopedia
[4]what encyclopedia composition actually means will depend on the specific encyclopedia implementation, but the intention of composition is to act element-wise, that is independently of other elements in the encyclopedia